7 Coronavirus “Facts” That are FALSE!

7 Coronavirus “Facts” That are False

Note: The following article is borrowed from Ty Bollinger’s “The Truth About Cancer” email on “8 Coronavirus “Facts” That  are False.”  I have omitted one of the items that I felt was a little questionable to focus on the other seven with my own commentary on each point.  — MK
“FACT” #1 — Coronavirus directives by governors, mayors, etc. are the same as laws.   FALSE!
There are neither national nor state laws requiring citizens to isolate, social distance or wear masks. There are only “executive orders,” “recommendations,” and “health and safety guidelines” which are not laws. The extent to which “emergency powers” are available to governors and mayors is at the very least a legally debatable question.
“FACT” #2 — COVID-19 “PCR” Testing is Accurate.  FALSE!
The ​​​​​​​Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test most commonly done for the coronavirus has issues. While it indicates the presence of the virus, it does not reveal the quantity of the virus. Bottom-line, it can’t really tell you whether the virus is causing the disease. The CDC actually admits this in their statement:
Positive results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease . . . Negative results do not preclude 2019-nCoV infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions. Negative results must be combined with clinical observations, patient history, and epidemiological information.
To put it in plain English, the COVID-19 test does not provide proof that the virus definitely causes the disease. So why is everyone going crazy over increased positive tests?
If you’ve read my previous newsletters, you know this is not new information. The way deaths are being counted is nuts. A few days ago in Florida it was revealed that a motorcycle crash death was reported as a coronavirus death. One of our Oregon clients reported an almost identical situation there which she was personally aware of. The authorities want to make us think these are rare anomalies, but there is much evidence to the contrary. If someone dies who either tested positive for coronavirus (or even had symptoms consistent with coronavirus) they will be listed as a coronavirus death. Dr. Deborah Birx admitted this in a news conference two or three months ago.
So here’s the issue that Bollinger brings out in his article:
If someone dies after testing positive for parasitic infection, they are not listed as a “PARASITE-19” death
If someone dies after testing positive for fungal infection, they are not listed as a “FUNGAL-19” death
If someone dies after testing positive for herpes infection, they are not listed as a “HERPES-19” death.
But if someone dies after testing positive for Coronavirus, they ARE listed as a “COVID-19” death.
As I have repeatedly said, there is a big difference between dying with the coronavirus and dying from the coronavirus. Of course there is a financial motivation for hospitals to list COVID-19 as the cause of death — which is why this statistical farce is going on. We really have no idea how many people have actually died from the coronavirus rather than from underlying health conditions in which the coronavirus was incidentally present.
Every news broadcast begins by describing thousands of new “cases” daily. As mentioned in my previous articles, these aren’t really “cases,” but simply positive tests. The real issue is not how many people test positive, but rather how many people are getting sick — seriously sick — and how many are dying. We have tested in the neighborhood of 50 million Americans, so of course there will be more positive tests. But the death rate continues to decline. This virus readily spreads, regardless of all the proposed “mitigation” efforts — that’s just what viruses do. The good news is that for 95% of those with positive tests, no major health problem will result.
One of the amazing things about the coronavirus is that it is able to travel different distances based upon the country it is in (Yes, I am being sarcastic). The “social distancing” rule is 1 meter if you’re in China, Denmark or France, but in South Korea it s 1.4 meters. In Australia, Belgium, Germany and Spain it is 1.5 meters. In Canada and the UK it is 2 meters. Here in the USA it’s 6 feet (1.8 meters). In other words there really is no scientifically proven safe distance that will prevent the infection — it’s mere speculation.
However, what we do know is that prolonged social isolation indeed does exacerbate other health problems including heart disease, depression, dementia and even death. A 2015 study found that chronic social isolation increases the risk of mortality by a staggering 29%!
If you buy the mainstream media line, you would believe you should be in mortal fear of losing your life to coronavirus. The reality is that you’re about as likely to die from this as be struck by lightning! We’re now learning that the odds of dying of coronavirus are actually less than dying of the flu! The CDC for the first time has given an estimate of the overall death rate from coronavirus infection at 0.4% among those who are symptomatic, noting that 35% are asymptomatic, giving an adjusted mortality rate of 0.26%. Note this is the rate for including all age groups.
Infectious disease experts in Canada estimate an individual death rate of 6 per million people for those under age 65 — 0.0006%.
Every politician and talking head on TV is telling us that we should wear masks as if it were a scientifically proven way to reduce transmission of the virus . . . but it isn’t. No studies have demonstrated that either a cloth mask or even the N95 mask has any effect on transmission of the coronavirus — not to mention the bandanas and handkerchiefs some people are wearing. These masks are not going to keep out viruses that are measured in nanometers (one-billioneth of a meter). Essentially masks being worn are like trying to keep out mosquitoes with a chain link fence or putting a screen door on a submarine. (Note: See the summary below on the “mask” question.)
Authorities have consistently said that masks don’t protect you from the virus, but rather their purpose is to keep you from infecting someone else by coughing or sneezing in their proximity. That’s why surgeons and dentists wear masks. That makes sense. Thus, I wear a mask in my daily trips to the post office and at stores I shop at mainly to put other people at ease. Having tested negative, I’m not going to infect them any which way, but they don’t know that, and I don’t want others to be made uncomfortable in my presence, even if there is no rational basis for their fear.
OK, so most of what we’re being told to do to prevent coronavirus infections is bunk. So what do we do? Simple — Do everything you can to build up your immune system. The only real answer to preventing infections is the one God built into your body. Unfortunately, most people have compromised their immune systems with eating the wrong things, toxin accumulation, stress and many other poor health habits. Time to change that, and that’s what Pacific Health Center is here for. We can, through individualized testing and program design, build your health in general and your immunity in particular. If you’re not already being tested by us, I urge you to check it out.
— Monte Kline, Ph.D.